I am 18, never have done anything illegal and have a comepletely clean record. Not even a parking ticket. The security in the store told me I would not have to pay any fines since I have everything back and was fully cooperating and not to come into the store for 6 months. No cops where called, they took me to the back room where I gave them back the earrings and took my name and address and DOB. I know it was so so dumb and have learned my lesson because I had he money in my wallet to pay for it but now I am confused because I have a letter of civil relief payment of $350. The letter seems very serious, but when security was talking to me, he told me that I would have no fines and when I get the letter to call the number and out in the reference number so it would be exempt.
I don’t see any advantage to you paying the $350 or acknowledging the letter. But if I could give one piece of practical advice to all the teenagers of the world – do not attempt to shoplift from Kohl’s. They have better surveillance video than the Pentagon.