• Child cruelty - dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Dec 20, 2023

    Outcome: Case dismissed

    Description: Client was alleged to have pushed his teenage son in front of a police officer and was charged with willful cruelty to a child. I obtained the police officer's body cam footage. It showed the officer pushing Client onto a bench in his front yard without justification, breaking the bench. The footage also showed the shove, which did not cause the boy to fall to the ground. I was able to locate a prior allegation against the officer of adding unjustified charges when he was employed by another police department. The city that employed the officer, paid a settlement as a result. I raised the minimal nature of the push, along with the potential credibility issue of the officer, and the DA agreed to dismiss the case in exchange for Client attending anger management and AA.

  • Restraining order - victorious at trial

    Practice Area: Mediation

    Date: Nov 08, 2023

    Outcome: Trial won - temporary restraining order lifted

    Description: Clients were seeking defense against a neighbor who had filed to obtain a restraining order. The Neighbor alleged that Client had intentionally hit him with his truck and that both Clients were harassing him. Using my training in alternate dispute resolution, I spoke with the Neighbor in the hope of restoring harmony in the neighborhood without involving the court. Regrettably, the neighbor was unwilling to withdraw his restraining order petition. At trial, I confronted the neighbor with video of the truck incident showing that the neighbor was not struck. In fact, the neighbor had intentionally stepped in front of Client's vehicle and Client immediately braked and avoided striking him. Additionally, I presented profane signs the neighbor had placed in his yard directed at Clients. I was able to locate restraining order petition filed against the neighbor years ago that alleged harassment, in facts oddly similar to Clients' case. Clients won at trial. The temporary restraining order was lifted.

  • Probation violation - alternate sentencing arranged

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jul 25, 2023

    Outcome: Home detention authorized

    Description: Client was charged with a violation of probation for failing to report to jail on a prior conviction for felony eluding police in a motor vehicle. Because of COVID restrictions, the jail was unwilling to accept Client when she initially tried to serve her sentence in 2020. Client did not follow up with the jail and for two years she had a warrant. I was able to have her warrant rescinded and have the court authorize her to apply for home detention.

  • 4th DUI and probation violation - No custody

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: May 23, 2023

    Outcome: No custody

    Description: Client was facing prison for a fourth DUI charge in 10 years. I was able to secure probation without jail time on the condition that client spend 180 days in a residential treatment program. Client did not provide proof of such and a warrant was issued. Client contacted me saying he had been hospitalized with lung cancer after losing consciousness on his first day of residential treatment. Because he had an active warrant, he was not receiving his VA disability benefits. I was able to have his warrant recalled without Client traveling to court. I explained to the prosecution and the judge that Client was a terminally ill veteran who was physically unable to serve jail time or do residential treatment. I was able to postpone his jail remand date for more than two years. Client passed away in a private hospital with his daughter at his side and his. VA benefits were restored without ever having to serve his sentence.

  • Domestic violence - Not Guilty verdict

    Practice Area: Domestic violence

    Date: Nov 16, 2022

    Outcome: Not Guilty verdict on domestic violence charge

    Description: Client was charged with inflicting a corporal injury on a dating partner. During the trial, I presented written statements by the alleged victims sent to the Victim Witness Office in which she wrote that no crime had occurred. After sending those statements, the alleged victim changed her mind and decided she did want a criminal prosecution. I impeached her testimony during cross-examination with the prior inconsistent statements. During cross-examination, I confronted the police officer who recommended the corporal injury charge with photographs showing a lack of injury. The jury returned a Not Guilty verdict on the charges of inflicting a corporal, and the lesser included crimes of domestic battery, battery, and assault. Client was found guilty of a single count of vandalism for kicking a door and damaging it.

  • DUI - Dismissed

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Aug 19, 2022

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with misdemeanor DUI. Client worked within the Department of Defense and likely would have lost his security clearance if convicted. Our petition for veteran's diversion was granted. Client did not admit wrongdoing at any point. Client went 18 months without arrest while attending counseling and the case was dismissed.

  • DUI - Criminal case dismissed / No nursing board sanction

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Aug 19, 2022

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with misdemeanor DUI. Client worked as a registered nurse and likely would have faced license suspension if convicted. Our petition for veteran's diversion was granted. Client did not admit wrongdoing at any point. Client went 18 months without arrest while attending counseling and the case was dismissed.

  • Felon with firearm / ammunition - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jun 06, 2022

    Outcome: Felony charges dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition. Client, who is African American, was stopped by a law enforcement officer, who is Latino. Client was given a citation for driving with suspended license. The officer then decided to tow Client's Mercedes, which was not required by law. The officer offered Client a ride back to town. Before Client could enter the officer's vehicle, Client's bag was searched without being asked for his consent. There is no "free ride" exception to the Fourth Amendment. It could not be argued that the officer had an articulable suspicion that Client was armed because the officer had completed the criminal investigation without a search when he issued the citation. As the bag was on the client and not in the vehicle, it was not subject to a towing inventory search. We filed a motion to suppress evidence. The DA found it persuasive and dismissed the felony charges. Client plead No Contest to driving without a license and was given credit for time served. The DA's initial offer was four years in state prison.

  • Felony Probation Terminated Early

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: May 18, 2022

    Outcome: Petition Granted

    Description: Client had been convicted of selling and transporting controlled substances. He was placed on supervised probation for three years. Client performed admirably on probation and had secured work in another state. We placed the matter on a calendar for an early termination after 15 months. That petition was granted.

  • Battery - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Apr 28, 2022

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was alleged to have punched a woman at the Mid-State Fair in Paso Robles according to the testimony of several bystanders. Based on Client's lack of prior criminal history, we negotiated an agreement in which Client did not admit guilt but simply went one year without being arrested and the case was dismissed.

  • DUI - Reduced to Wet Reckless

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Mar 29, 2022

    Outcome: DUI Dismissed - Reduced to Wet Reckless

    Description: Client was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol. Client was alleged to have driven his vehicle off the road returning from a wine tasting in Paso Robles. When CHP arrived, the vehicle was upside down. Initial blood results showed a .10 percent BAC. Subsequent re-testing of the blood by a private laboratory showed a .07 BAC. Ultimately the DA dismissed the DUI charges and Client entered a plea to a reduced charge of reckless driving.

  • Battery - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Battery - Dismissed

    Date: Mar 21, 2022

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was alleged to have grown a drink at a bar back at the famed honkytonk Harry's in Pismo Beach. The alleged victim was also charged with battery. Given the difficulty in prosecuting both parties, we were able to arrange a dismissal if Client could go one year without being arrested and write a letter of apology. Client fulfilled those terms and the case was dismissed.

  • Drug Sales - Reduced to Misdemeanor and Expunged

    Practice Area: Expungement

    Date: Dec 08, 2021

    Outcome: Reduced and Expunged

    Description: Client had been convicted of felony drug possession in 2012. We petitioned for a reduction to a misdemeanor. The felony was reduced to a misdemeanor pursuant to Proposition 47. Our subsequent petition for expungement was granted.

  • Reckless Driving - Probation Terminated Early / Case Expunged

    Practice Area: Expungement

    Date: Dec 03, 2021

    Outcome: Dismissed Retroactively

    Description: Client had been convicted of reckless driving in 2019. Due to a change in law, Client was eligible to terminate his probation early. That motion was granted and the subsequent petition for expungement was granted.

  • Driving Under the Influence - Dismissed - Board of Registered Nursing sanctions avoided

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Oct 15, 2021

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. Client had served honorably in the United States Army as a medical before becoming a registered nurse. We petitioned for pre-plea military diversion. A judge granted that petition allowing Client to avoid admitting wrongdoing or suffering a criminal conversion. In the absence of a criminal conviction, the RN Board was unable to take adverse action against Client. Client ultimately completed all the education obligations of his diversion and the case against him was dismissed.

  • Diverting a stream bed - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jul 29, 2021

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with misdemeanor violations of Fish and Game Code Section 1602(a), diverting a stream bed and Section5650(a)(6) depositing in a waterway. Client was accused of removing dry brush from the backyard of his rural home without a permit. Client also allegedly gathered harmful litter left by homeless campers such as a rusted 55 gallon drum, drug paraphernalia, wigs and sold clothing to be hauled away. Fish and Wildlife Officers saw this from the street and wrote a citation for the unpermitted changes. Because the changes were entirely sensible and not harmful to the greater good, we were able to reach an agreement with the DA in which Client retroactively obtained a permit for the changes and the case against him was dismissed.

  • Felony Commercial Burglary - Reduced and Expunged

    Practice Area: Expungement

    Date: Jul 01, 2021

    Outcome: Conviction Expunged

    Description: Client was convicted of felony commercial burglary in 2014. Client's life had drastically improved in the interim with respect to employment and sobriety. We petitioned to have Client's felony reduced to a misdemeanor. That petition was granted. We then petitioned to have Client's misdemeanor expunged. That petition was also granted.

  • Unserved 60 Day Jail Sentence Ruled Null and Void

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jun 28, 2021

    Outcome: Probation Terminated Early and Jail Sentence Deleted

    Description: Client was sentenced to 60 days in jail in November of 2019 in a case where he self-represented. More than a year had passed without Client ever having served his jail sentence. The jail repeatedly postponed Client’s sentence due to the Lockdown. Client retained us to assist him with the unserved jail time. We filed a motion asking the court to end Client’s probation early and declare the unserved 60 days in jail to be null and void for highly technical reasons. On January 1, 2021, Assembly Bill 1950 shortened the maximum length of probation for most misdemeanors to one year. Because imposition of Client’s sentence was suspended (and no imposition or execution of sentence occurred), Client’s 60 day custody obligation was a “term of probation.” The newly amended Penal Code Section 1203a(a) states, "The court may suspend the imposition or execution of the sentence and make and enforce the terms of probation for a period not to exceed one year." By statute, courts explicitly lose enforcement mechanisms for terms of probation after one year in misdemeanor matters. That beneficial change in law was retroactive to cases not yet final on appeal, thereby retroactively terminating Client’s probation on January 1, 2021. The court no longer had jurisdiction to impose a custodial sanction for a failure to fulfill a term of probation. Even if the Court received a letter from the County Sheriff stating that Defendant had failed to appear at the jail, it would not be empowered to issue an arrest warrant from a closed case. And a trial court cannot punish conduct which amounts to a violation of a condition of probation as a contempt of court. (People v. Johnson (1993) 20 Cal. App. 4th 106). The judge agreed. The Judge terminated probation early and ruled that Client would never have to serve the 60 days in jail.

  • Juvenile DUI - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Juvenile law

    Date: Jun 21, 2021

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was arrested for a violation of Vehicle Code Section 23152, driving while intoxicated. We petitioned for Client to be granted diversion under Welfare and Institutions Code 654.2 based on her good character, academic record and the non-aggravated nature of the alleged conduct. Because we had obtained what is believed to be the first grant of diversion for a juvenile DUI in SLO County in a previous case, we were uniquely positioned to help our current Client. Our petition was granted by the judge. Client did not admit wrongdoing at any time. Client simply went six months with no new arrests, performed 15 hours of community service, and wrote a 500-word essay. The case was then dismissed at the conclusion of the 180 day diversionary period. The record of the case and the arrest were ordered sealed. That sealing allows Client to truthfully say that she has never been arrested or prosecuted.

  • Restitution Not Owed For Cost of Police Response During DUI Arrest

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Jun 16, 2021

    Outcome: Client Does Not Have To Repay Police

    Description: Client had been convicted of a misdemeanor DUI. The arresting agency made a request to the Court for $1,229. That figure represented the 8.5 hours of salary paid to the police officers involved with arresting and booking Client. California Government Code sections 53150 through 53158 do allow a police agency to recover costs associated with emergency DUI responses. However, we argued that this DUI arrest was not an emergency and secondly, that the police were not entitled to collect money under the criminal restitution framework laid out in California Penal Code Section 1202.4. The judge agreed on both. The restitution request was denied. Client saved $1,229.

  • Felony Domestic Violence Arrest - No Prosecution

    Practice Area: Domestic violence

    Date: Jun 09, 2021

    Outcome: Police Report Rejected - No Prosecution

    Description: Client was arrested for willfully inflicting a physical injury to her partner. She was booked into the county jail on a felony violation of Penal Code Section 273.5. When she posted bail, she was given a court date two weeks in the future. We were immediately retained and went to work on Client's behalf to try to convince the District Attorney to reject the police report and not prosecute Client. We provided the DA with a packet highlighting Client's injuries, her size disadvantage, her prior clean record and the negative impact a criminal case would have on her professional licensing. The DA rejected the police report and declined to prosecute. The court date was vacated. Client maintained her clean record.

  • DUI with Refusal - Dismissed

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: May 20, 2021

    Outcome: DUI and Refusal dismissed - $355 fine and 1yr informal probation

    Description: Client was charge with driving under the combined influence of drugs and alcohol, refusing to provide a chemical sample, and possessing a loaded firearm in a motor vehicle. We were able to negotiate a disposition in which the DUI charge was dismissed and the refusal was dismissed. Client plead no contest to possessing a loaded firearm and an added count of participating in a speed contest. Client was placed on informal probation for one year with the only condition being that he pay a fine of $355 fine. The court did not order a driver's license suspension or a firearm prohibition. Client was eligible to have his firearm and cannabis returned to him from the police evidence locker upon the resolution of the case.

  • DMV Hearing - DUI Allegation Disproven

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: May 14, 2021

    Outcome: License Suspension Avoided

    Description: Client was facing the suspension of her California driver's license for driving with a blood alcohol concentration above 0.08 percent. We obtained the dashboard and body cam video of the arresting officer. We also obtained a copy of the police report and all the traffic broadcast over the police radio immediately before the traffic stop. The officer wrote in his report that Client, "came extremely close to several parked cars and nearly caused an accident." However, the officer's dashboard video showed that Client had driven safely and as far from parked cars as legally possible and that the allegation of a near-accent was completely false. That in turn begged the question of why a traffic violation might be fabricated. The audio recording of the police radio traffic revealed a "be on the lookout" was broadcast for a white SUV driving near the dumpsters of closed businesses late at night. Client was driving a similar vehicle at the time of the broadcast. Client was likely stopped for phantom traffic violations as a pretext to investigate a potential robbery. But because the "suspicious" white SUV was not actually alleged to have broken any laws by driving behind closed businesses, the police officer could not have initiated a traffic stop without observing an independent traffic violation. The DMV hearing officer concluded that the traffic stop was unconstitutional and he suppressed all the resulting evidence. Client was victorious.

  • Commercial Driver Spilling Load on Highway Misdemeanor - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: May 11, 2021

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with driving a vehicle not covered to prevent any of its contents from dropping, sifting, leaking, blowing, spilling, or otherwise escaping in violation of Vehicle Code Section 23114(a). Client had several viable defenses to the misdemeanor charge. First, Client did not have the prior infraction of that code section required before a second offense could be charged as a criminal misdemeanor. While this defense would have converted the charge from a misdemeanor to an infraction, that would have still left Client potentially liable for a fine. As such, we provided documentation to the DA that Client's employer had gone to great expense to promptly hand all the cleanup and improvement requested by CalTrans. In light of this, the DA agreed to dismiss. Client avoided a criminal conviction. Client also avoided any fine or point on his driving record that might have resulted from a ticket.

  • Criminal Discharge of Fireworks – Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: 08.13.2020

    Outcome: Dismissed in Furtherance of Justice

    Description: On July 04, 2005, Client was issued a citation for the illegal possession and discharge of fireworks in violation of 14 California Code of Regulations section 4314. The District Attorney filed misdemeanor criminal misdemeanor. On July 28, 2005, Defendant phoned the court and was granted a continuance of the arraignment. On August 19, 2005, an arraignment was held but Client allegedly failed to appear. A bench warrant for Client's arrest was issued. On July 28, 2020, we filed a motion to recall the warrant in the San Luis Obispo Superior Court which was granted. We then moved to dismiss the case. The court's record indicated that Client had knowledge of the case against him because he had signed a promise to appear and later called to reschedule the first court date. We argued that neither of those facts were relevant because Client's right to a speedy trial had been violated under a combined reading of state and federal law. The DA joined in our motion to dismiss in furtherance of justice and the case was dismissed.

  • HS Senior Charged With Child Molestation of HS Freshman – Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: 08.04.2020

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Just weeks after his 18th birthday, Client was accused of grabbing the derrière of a female high school classmate who was under 18 while they were in front of the school. He was charged with child molestation under PC 647.6(a)(1) and faced lifetime sex-offender registration. We filed a motion to dismiss pursuant to Serna v. Superior Court. That motion was granted and the case was dismissed.

  • Drunk in Public – Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jul 14, 2020

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was alleged to have been so intoxicated as to have been unable to care for himself and to have urinated on the front door of a closed pool hall. Initial negotiations with the DA were frustrated by incorrect allegations that Client had previously been sentenced to prison on a serious felony case. We provided the DA's office with a DD-214 form proving that Client was in fact serving honorably in the United State Army during the years he was alleged to have been in prison. With the incorrect prior convictions having been addressed, we were able to reach an agreement with the DA that the case would be dismissed before trial if Client attended 30 AA meetings.

  • Probation Violations - Released From Custody

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jul 07, 2020

    Outcome: Probation Reinstated - Client Released from Jail

    Description: Client was charged with probation violations stemming from five different incidents. Client was remanded into custody presumably to serve 243 days in the county jail. We moved to continue sentencing to the next week. We then brought in witnesses to speak to Client's good character and the vital care he provides to a gravely disabled family member. Because of the size of the disabled adult family member, only Client was physically able to provide care such as bathing, changing diapers, and repositioning to avoid bed sores. Ultimately, the judge released Client after five days in jail and allowed him to apply for house arrest on the remainder of the sentence.

  • Police Interview Counsel - No Charges Filed

    Practice Area: White collar crime

    Date: Jun 30, 2020

    Outcome: No Charges Filed

    Description: Client was contacted by the police regarding an embezzlement allegation. Client agreed to meet with police detectives. Shortly before traveling to the police station to be interviewed, Client retained us to advise him. We advised him that he should not speak to the police. We contacted the assigned detective and informed him that Client was now represented by counsel, he would not be providing a statement, and all future inquiries should be directed to our offices. No charges were filed and our representation concluded.

  • Possession of Heroin - No Jail, No Probation supervision

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jun 25, 2020

    Outcome: No Jail, No supervision by the Dept. of Probation, 30 days residential treatment

    Description: Client was charged with possession of heroin. The DA initially offered 60 days jail if Client did not enter a court supervised drug program that would have subjected her to search and seizure without probable cause, random drug testing and given the court total control over her treatment. We instead negotiated for Client to enter the residential treatment program of her choice for 30 days, serve no jail time, not enter the court supervised treatment program and not be subject to any probation requirements other than to obey all laws.

  • Resisting Arrest / Public Intoxication - Dismissed

    Practice Area:Criminal defense

    Date: Jun 23, 2020

    Outcome: Case Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with resisting arrest and public intoxication. She had entered into an agreement to attend 20 AA meetings and provide proof at sentencing to avoid jail time. Client failed to appear at sentencing and a warrant issued. We were retained shortly thereafter. We placed the matter on calendar and recalled the warrant. We then negotiated for more time for Client to attend AA meetings. Client did not attend suffice meetings in time but we were able to negotiate for another extension. Ultimately Client attended the meetings and we provided proof. As an added bonus the case was dismissed at sentencing, meaning no expungement would be needed.

  • DUI Reduced to Wet Reckless

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Jun 16, 2020

    Outcome: DUI Charges Dismissed - Wet Reckless

    Description: Client was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol. The breath tests were 0.11 percent and 0.10 percent BAC. We obtained police video that showed client performed better on the field sobriety tests than the police report might have suggested. We also informed the DA that Client was in the United States on a green card and a reduction to a wet reckless would likely help minimize immigration consequences. Ultimately the DUI charges were dismissed and Client plead no contest to a reduced charge of wet reckless.

  • Arrest Sealed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jun 16, 2020

    Outcome: Arrest Sealed

    Description: Client was arrested for public intoxication. Client successfully completed pre-filing diversion and no criminal case was filed. We petitioned to seal the arrest and the petition was granted. Client can now truthfully say he was never arrested.

  • DUI Probation Terminated Early - Military Reenlistment Now Viable

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Jun 10, 2020

    Outcome: Probation Terminated Successfully and Two Years Early

    Description: Client had two years remaining on his grant of probation for a misdemeanor DUI. Any type of probation, even informal probation, is typically a bar to reenlistment in the military. We worked with Client's chain of command and the assigned judge to renegotiate for an early and successful termination of probation. We utilized Client's deployment to assist with civil unrest in Los Angeles to satisfy an unfulfilled work-service obligation. Client is now eligible for immediate expungement.

  • Restraining Order Hearing - Case Dismissed

    Practice Area: Domestic violence

    Date: Feb 20, 2020

    Outcome: Case Dismissed - Client Prevails

    Description: A temporary restraining order was granted against Client. Subsequently, we were retained to oppose Client's ex-boyfriend's petition for a permanent domestic violence restraining order. Shortly before the family court trial, we informed the ex-boyfriend's attorney that we were in possession of multiple distasteful messages left by the ex-boyfriend. Opposing counsel withdrew the request for a restraining order and the case was dismissed. The temporary restraining order expired and no permanent restraining order was created.

  • Oceano Sand Dunes DUI on ATV Reduced to Wet Reckless

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Feb 13, 2020

    Outcome: DUI Charges Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with drunk driving in violation of Vehicle Code section 23152. Client was alleged to have been stopped for driving too near the waterline along the ocean. We obtained declarations from Client's friends describing consumption of alcohol consistent with BAC below .08 percent. When combined with the lack of poor driving and low breath-test numbers, an agreement was reached with the DA to dismiss the DUI charges and allow Client to plead to a reduced charge of wet reckless

  • DUI w/ Child Endangerment - Criminal Case Rejected / License Reinstated

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Nov 15, 2019

    Outcome: No Prosecution / Driver's License Reinstated

    Description: lient was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol with his young child in the vehicle. Police received a call from a disgruntled co-parent stating that Client had taken the child and driven away while highly intoxicated. Client was pulled over and he provided breath samples all under .08 percent BAC. Nonetheless, Client was arrested despite no evidence of unsafe driving being observed. We prepared a mitigation packet for Client prior to the first court date highlighting defects in the case against Client. The DA then rejected criminal charges and the first court date was vacated.

  • Unlawful Intercourse - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Sex crime

    Date: Nov 13, 2019

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Description: It was alleged that in the early 1990s, Client had sex with a 17-year-old who was 3 years his junior. The case had been in a warrant status for more than 25 years. We placed the matter on calendar to recall the warrant and set the matter for jury trial. The police and prosecution were unable to find the underlying police report. As such, they were unaware of the police officers involved, the name of the alleged victim, or whether the alleged victim desired prosecution. The case was dismissed when the DA could not be ready for the start of trial.

  • Felony DUI Re-Sentencing - Client Released from Jail

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Nov 04, 2019

    Outcome: Client Immediately Released from Jail

    Description: Client had been convicted of a felony DUI w/ Injury in 2015 in another county and was currently serving a 12-month jail sentence for a second felony DUI in 2019. After reviewing the case summary in the earlier case, we filed a motion arguing that Fresno County had inadvertently reduced Client's felony DUI conviction to a misdemeanor. We argued that because Client's probation terminated with a local jail sentence instead of a local prison sentence, the first DUI conviction was no longer a felony when the second DUI occurred. We argued that the second DUI could only be charged as a misdemeanor because there was no injury and no prior felony convicted. Client was released from jail that day, four months early.

  • Domestic Violence US Service Member - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Domestic violence

    Date: Oct 22, 2019

    Outcome: Dismissed - Client not involuntarily separated from US Military

    Description: Client was charged with spousal battery. A conviction would have effectively ended her military career. We obtained a statement from the alleged victim correcting inaccuracies in the initial police report. We also obtained a police report from another jurisdiction implicating the alleged victim. After discussing the case with a conscientious prosecutor the case was dismissed for problems of proof. Client will not be involuntarily separated from the military.

  • Obstructing the Police - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Oct 16, 2019

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with resisting / delaying / obstructing a peace officer in violation of Penal Code Section 148(a)(1). Client was alleged to have pulled a recent arrestee away from multiple police officers. We obtained the body camera video. It showed that the police were delayed for exactly eight seconds and that Client was not acting unreasonably in light of the emotional nature of the arrest. The case was dismissed as part of broader negotiations.

  • Domestic Battery - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Domestic violence

    Date: October 15, 2019

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with battery against his wife. Client's wife had called the police in a highly intoxicated state to report a domestic battery. When the police arrived, Client's wife had unusual red marks on her face. The police never spoke with Client, they instead chose to mail Client a citation with a date to appear in court. We brought some facts to the attention of the prosecutor that created reasonable doubt. First, Client's wife had recently been arrested for stabbing him. Second, we located a police report in another county that described Client's wife as having injured her face with a lighter while intoxicated. In light of those facts, the case against Client was dismissed before trial.

  • Driving Without a License - DISMISSED

    Practice Area: DUI

    Date: Oct 1, 2019

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with driving without a license in violation of Vehicle Code Section 12500(a). We filed a motion to dismiss based on a defense contained in Vehicle Code Section 12951. The court dismissed the case against our client on the date of trial.

  • Employer Persuaded To “Un-Fire” Client After DUI Arrest - Back To Work

    Practice Area: Mediation

    Date: Sep 25, 2019

    Outcome: Client Was Given His Job Back

    Description: Client was fired from his job in the automotive industry as a result of his arrest for suspicion of DUI. However, an employer may not take any adverse position against an employee based on arrest status pursuant to California Labor Code Division 2, Part. 1, Chapter 3. We sent a memo to the employer stating Client had been convicted of no crime and Client's privilege to drive had not been suspended by the Department of Motor Vehicles because we had requested an Administrative Per Se hearing. As a result, a stay was granted and the license suspension did not take place. We stated our belief that the manner in which Client was laid off was improper. We respectfully requested that Client's employment be reinstated immediately. Client got his job back less than 24 hours later.

  • Arizona Jail Time Credited Toward California Jail Sentence - Successful Petition

    Practice Area: Extradition

    Date: Sep 04, 2019

    Outcome: Petition Granted - Sentence Shortened

    Description: Client wanted his jail time in Arizona credited toward his jail sentence in California. We filed a petition asking the court to recalculate pre-existing custody credits. We cited Penal Code Section 2900.5 and In Re Watson which showed that Client was entitled to credit for any time spent in jail awaiting extradition. The petition was granted and the Arizona jail time was subtracted from Client's California sentence, moving up his release date.

  • DMV Medical Suspension - Lifted

    Practice Area: DMV

    Date: Aug 20, 2019

    Outcome: Suspension Rescinded

    Description: Client had a hold placed on her California after a traffic accident. At the medical re-evaluation hearing, we argued that Client had an impeccable driving record and that medication had not been a factor in the accident. The hold was lifted and the driver's license was re-issued.

  • Governor Newsom Pardons Client

    Practice Area: Pardon / Certificate of Rehabilitation

    Date: Aug 07, 2019

    Outcome: Pardon Granted

    Description: In only his 14th ever pardon, Governor Newsom granted our petition for a pardon of Client's felony conviction of possession of a controlled substance for sales. Client was only the second San Luis Obispo County resident to receive a governor’s pardon in more than five years. Client pleaded no contest in September 2004 to a felony count of possession of a controlled substance for sale. She was sentenced to four years of probation without any jail time and had to comply with various court requirements including community service, which she completed. Client then went on to earn her bachelor's degree and be a model citizen. Our office filed for a petition of rehabilitation which was granted in Superior Court in 2017. We then applied to the governor for a pardon on her behalf. That pardon was personally signed and granted by Governor Newsom on August 7, 2019. California residents convicted of a crime can apply for a pardon from the Governor’s Office once the applicant has completed probation or parole without any further criminal convictions and has received a Certificate of Rehabilitation from the court. Although anyone with a criminal conviction can apply, governors historically grant very few pardons.

  • Cannabis Cultivation - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Prop 64 Expungement

    Date: Aug 01, 2019

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was convicted of cultivation of cannabis in violation of Health and Safety Code Section 11358 in 2003. Pursuant to Proposition 64, Client was able to withdraw his plea and have the case dismissed. Client is now able to truthfully state that he has never suffered a felony conviction.

  • Battery (2x) - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jul 25, 2019

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with battery upon two individuals while in their home. We informed the DA that Client at the time was suffering from an acute mental health issue and that Client has been undergoing treatment with great results. After five months in court, the DA agreed to offer Client diversion. Client completed the two-day diversion class. We showed proof of diversion completion to the court and the case was dismissed. Client never admitted guilt and avoided any type of conviction.

  • Temporary Restraining Order Petition - Granted, Fees Recovered

    Practice Area: Family Law

    Date: Jun 19, 2019

    Outcome: TRO Granted, Client's terms met, Expenses recovered

    Description: We assisted Client with getting domestic violence restraining order against her former boyfriend. A temporary restraining order was granted and then extended pending a hearing on the final order. Between court dates, the restrained party agreed to all of Client's terms, including the payment of Client's expenses.

  • Battery - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jun 03, 2019

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with battery at a little person wrestling event (historically referred to by the pejorative term “midget wrestling”).
    Client was alleged to have punched another spectator. Surveillance video showed zero physical touching between the parties. Five individuals gave sworn declarations that no touching occurred. Four additional witnesses were subpoenaed to testify that no touching occurred. The alleged battery supposedly happened in a crowd of 450 people. Every spectator contacted by the police and Defense Counsel stated that they did not see any physical touching. Nonetheless, the District Attorney’s Office filed a criminal complaint against Client. Defense Counsel invoked Client’s right to a speedy trial at the first court date and provided the prosecution with substantial evidence of Client’s innocence. The case against Client was dismissed for insufficient evidence on the eve of jury selection.

  • Vehicle Tampering - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Expungement

    Date: Jun 02, 2019

    Outcome: Dismissed pursuant to PC 1203.4

    Description: In 2001, Client was convicted of tampering with a vehicle in violation of VC 10852. We petitioned to allow Client to withdraw his plea and have the case dismissed retroactively. That petition was granted.

  • Domestic Violence Injury To Spouse - Dismissed Before Trial

    Practice Area: Domestic violence

    Date: Apr 29, 2019

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with the willful infliction of a corporal injury on a spouse in violation of Penal Code Section 273.5 At a hearing challenging the restraining order that neither Client nor his wife wanted, we presented a declaration from the alleged victim stating that she was the initial aggressor, that Client was defending himself using minimal force, and that in 20 plus years of marriage, Client had never once touched a human being in anger. We also presented sworn declarations from the alleged victim's children, her mom, her sister, her lifelong friend and others stating that Client was one of the most honorable and peaceful men they had ever met. In light of strong evidence of lawful self-defense and good character on the part of Client, the criminal case was dismissed before the jury trial was confirmed.

  • Minor in Possession of Alcohol - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Apr 25, 2019

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with being a minor in possession of alcohol. We filed a motion alleging that Client's right to a speedy trial had been violated. The judge agreed and the case against Client was dismissed.

  • Battery - Arrest Sealed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Apr 24, 2019

    Outcome: Arrest Sealed

    Description: Client was arrested for battery. We were retained shortly after arrest to prepare a mitigation packet to attempt to make diversion more likely. Client was offered diversion and successfully completed.
    Before January 1, 2018, when no criminal charges were filed in court, a person had to wait for the statute of limitations to expire before an arrest could be sealed. However, with the passage of Penal Code Section 851.87, a person who successfully completes pre-filing diversion may seal the underlying arrest without waiting for the statute of limitations to expire.

    As such, we were able to petition to seal Client's arrest nine months early. Our petition was granted and Client can now truthfully say he was never arrested.

  • Habeas Corpus Petition - Granted

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Apr 24, 2019

    Outcome: Habeas Corpus Granted - Client Released from Jail

    Description: Client was on formal probation for a domestic violence conviction in 2017. Client was arrested on April 18, 2019, on a probation violation. On April 23, 2019, we met with the Client’s significant other and were informed that Client had not been arraigned after 5 days in jail. We quickly filed a Habeas Corpus petition and Client was brought to SLO Superior Court the following day. We were able secure Client’s release that day with credit for time served and his probation reinstated with no further jail obligation.

  • Felony Probation Violations - Credit for Time Served

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Apr 24, 2019

    Outcome: Credit for Time Served, No Fines

    Description: Client was on two grants of felony probation. Client was charged with a new complaint of felony impersonation of another in violation of Penal Code Section 529(a)(3). We defeated that charge at the preliminary hearing. Client was held to answer on a single misdemeanor.
    Despite the significant reduction in charges, the Probation Department recommended a sentence of two years for the violations of probation.
    Ultimately, we negotiated a sentence of 38 days in jail across all three cases with no new fines.

  • Hit and Run - Dismissed per PC 1203.4

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Apr 11, 2019

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client pleaded to a misdemeanor hit and run. He was placed on one year of informal probation and not required to do anything other than participate in his existing veteran's treatment court case in another county and ensure that his car insurance paid out properly. At the end of that year we petitioned for a retroactive dismissal pursuant to Penal Code Section 1203.4. The petition was granted and Client can now truthfully say that he never suffered the criminal conviction.

  • Driving with a License Suspended for DUI - Dismissed

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Apr 10, 2019

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was alleged to have driven on a suspended license and without car insurance or registration. The case was set for arraignment as a misdemeanor in June of 2010. Client was alleged to have failed to appear in court despite signing a written promise to appear on that date. Because no attempt had been made to serve a warrant on Client in nine years, we were able to argue that his right to a speedy trial had been violated. His warrant was recalled and the case against him was dismissed.

  • Felony Impersonation - Not Held To Answer

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Apr 08, 2019

    Outcome: Not Held To Answer on a Felony

    Description: Client was charged with falsely impersonating another in violation of Penal Code Section 529(a) as a felony. Client was alleged to have given the name of another person to a police officer while being detained for suspected drug activity. Client was alleged to have been recorded by body camera twice giving the false name and date of birth to a police officer. We argued that the prosecution was unable to prove that Client did "any act in furtherance of" the impersonation and that no benefit was gained by Client because there were no active warrants. We also argued that no criminal liability was created for the impersonated party because even if Client were found in possession of a hypodermic needle, recreational possession of hypodermic needles has effectively been decriminalized under HS 11364. The Judge agreed and Client was not held to answer on a felony violation of PC 529(a) with the charge being reduced to a lesser included misdemeanor.

  • Resisting Police and Public Intoxication - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Apr 04, 2019

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was alleged to have resisted, obstructed or delayed the police during his arrest for public intoxication. Client reached out to the affect police officer and he very charitably agree to support dismissing the charges to facilitate Client joining the military. Despite this, the prosecutor would not dismiss, asking for jail time and a criminal conviction. We were retained on the eve of jury trial and reached the highly unusual outcome of diversion months after the criminal case had been filed. Client paid $350 and completed the one day diversion class. The case against Client was dismissed without him ever suffering a conviction or admitting guilt.

  • Manufacturing Concentrated Cannabis - No Criminal Charges

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Apr 04, 2019

    Outcome: No Criminal Charges Filed

    Description: Police seized marijuana, concentrates and manufacturing equipment allegedly found on a property Client was renting. Client was legally cultivating cannabis that had been permitted as an outdoor grow and then converted to an indoor grow. Police suspected that butane was being used for extraction when in fact no volatile chemicals were being used. No criminal charges were filed against Client and the case never went to court.

  • Domestic Violence - Charges Rejected

    Practice Area: Domestic violence

    Date: Apr 01, 2019

    Outcome: Criminal Charges Rejected

    Description: Client was arrested for allegedly striking his ex-gf in the stomach in a state park. A few days after the arrest, we submitted a mitigation packet to the District Attorney's office contradicting the allegations and adding new information. The arresting officers were not aware that the alleged victim had been convicted of a crime of domestic violence in another state. We also provided a statement from a business acquaintance of the alleged victim stating that she had threatened him with a baseless criminal prosecution to gain an advantage in a financial  negotiation. Client had no prior criminal record, was very accomplished in his field, and had never touched a woman in anger in his entire life. The DA rejected the charges and the pending court date was vacated.

  • Loaded Firearm in Vehicle; Discharge Near Residence - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Feb 28, 2019

    Outcome: Firearms Charges Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with carrying a loaded firearm in a vehicle and discharging a firearm within 150 of a residence. Any firearm violation can jeopardize a person's ability to acquire or maintain a concealed weapon permit. Through a negotiated disposition with the DA, the firearm related charges were dismissed and client was allowed to plead to a lesser bow and arrow charge. The result was 0 days jail and 1 year of informal probation. In one year, Client will be able to expunge the case and truthfully say that he never suffered the criminal conviction if he successfully completes informal probation.

  • Assault with a Deadly Weapon Felony

    Practice Area: Domestic violence

    Date: Feb 28, 2019

    Outcome: Reduced to Exhibiting a Weapon as a Misdemeanor; 52 Hour Class; No Jail;

    Description:Client was alleged to have assaulted her boyfriend with a knife in violation of Penal Code section 245(a)(1). That charge is punishable by up to four years in state prison. Client's charge was ultimately reduced to exhibiting a weapon in a rude manner. Because the plea was to a "rude" act and not a "threatening" act, it was not considered a violent offense for purposes of immigration and naturalization. Client received 0 days in jail and was ordered to complete 52 hours of education.

  • Petition for Visitation with Daughter

    Practice Area: Family

    Date: Feb 28, 2019

    Outcome: Client Given Parental Rights and Visitation

    Description: Client had not seen his daughter in four months. He was deemed by the court to be the child's father, given physical custody of his daughter on weekends, and it was ordered that Client be listed as a coparent with the child's school. Information that could have been detrimental to immigration and naturalization was successfully prevented from entering into the hearing.

  • Under The Influence of LSD - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Feb 27, 2019

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description:Client was alleged to have been found running erratically onto a busy highway. Friends allegedly told the police that he had taken LSD. Due in part to the difficulty of doing a chemical test for the presence of LSD, the case against Client was dismissed after he performed 20 hours of community service with Habitat for Humanity.

  • DMV Hearing - Win - No Suspension

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Feb 14, 2019

    Outcome: Win - No Suspension

    Description: Client was arrested for DUI. At the DMV hearing on the suspension of his driver's license, we played the police dashboard camera video. The video showed Client driving on top of, but not crossing completely over, a double yellow line. The two police officers are heard on the video briefly debating whether they can detain the driver or must attempt a consensual contact. The officers ultimately used their overhead lights to seize client within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment. Case law states that reasonable suspicion is not created by a single touch of a fog line. The hearing officer deemed the traffic stop to be unlawful and all subsequent impressions and breath tests were excluded. The end result was that the DMV could not prove that Client drove with a BAC greater than .08 percent. We won the hearing and Client's license was not suspended.

  • DUI - Dismissed pursuant to Penal Code Section 1203.4

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Feb 13, 2019

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client's DUI conviction from 2011 was vacated and retroactively dismissed pursuant to Penal Code Section 1203.4.

  • DMV hearing - Win - No Suspension

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Jan 25, 2019

    Outcome: Win - No Suspension

    Description: Client was charged with driving a vehicle with a blood alcohol level in excess of .08 percent. Ultimately, the DMV was unable to produce a witness to testify that Client drove after consuming alcohol.

  • Arrest Sealed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jan 15, 2019

    Outcome: Arrest Record Sealed

    Description:Client was arrested for public intoxication. Client completed a pre-filing diversion program. The arresting agency converted the arrest to a detention but Client had no mechanism to enforce the transmission of the retroactive change of the arrest status to the Department of Justice.
    We placed the matter on calendar to seal all the records associated with the former arrest and to have the Superior Court transmit the information to the Department of Justice in an abundance of caution.

  • DUI Conviction Dismissed

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Jan 04, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client suffered a DUI conviction in 2013. Petition to dismiss pursuant PC 1203.4 was granted. Client can now truthfully say that he has never suffered a criminal conviction.

  • US Navy - Resisting Arrest

    Practice Area: Military law

    Date: Jan 11, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was arrested for felony resisting arrest. We supplied a mitigation packet to the DA before the first court date and Client was arraigned on three misdemeanor counts of delaying the police. We then subpoenaed video from nearby businesses, reviewed body camera video, obtained witness statement, and obtained cell phone video that proved Client had suffered a concussion from being struck prior to his interaction with the police. Ultimately we approached the arresting officer and asked him to back dismissal so that Client could remain on active duty in the Navy. The officer agreed and the case was dismissed. Client's chain of command was kept informed and the impact to his career was minimized.

  • Potential Third Strike 25-To-Life Felony

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jan 11, 2018

    Outcome: Forty-Five Days House Arrest

    Description: Client had two prior "strike" felonies. Client was arrested for felony violently resisting arrest. Client was alleged to have made serious threats against police officers and their families during the course of his arrest - a potential third strike that could have carried a sentence of 25 years to life. The case was resolved for a misdemeanor and 45 days house-arrest.

  • Driving w/ Suspended License

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jan 11, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was arrested in 2010 for driving with a suspended license. Client was pulled over in 2017 and informed of his active warrant in SLO County. The matter was placed on calendar, the warrant was recalled, the misdemeanor was dismissed. Client paid a $100 fine.

  • DMV License Suspension Hearing

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Jan 26, 2018

    Outcome: Client Prevails

    Description: Client had avoided criminal charges stemming from a DUI arrest but was facing license suspension from the DMV for driving with a BAC above .08 percent. Defense Counsel hired and expert witness for the hearing who testified that all objectives signs in the police report pointed to Client being below a .08 percent BAC. The DMV Hearing Officer agreed and Client's license was not suspended

  • Deer Poaching

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jan 30, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was a US Marine who was home on leave shortly after completing boot camp. Client was charged with seven misdemeanors based on a citation by a Fish and Wildlife warden. The charges included Unlawful Taking, Trespass, No Hunting License in Possession, Unlawful Waste of Game, No Deer Tag, No Upland Bird License, and Use of Lead Ammunition Within California Condor Range. An agreement was reached with the DA in which Client would obtain his deer license and the case would be dismissed. Client procured a deer license. The case was dismissed. A court order was signed for the release of the firearms booked into evidence.

  • DUI - Criminal Charges Dismissed

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Feb 21, 2018

    Outcome: Reduced to Speeding Ticket

    Description: Client was charged with driving under the influence based on a .09% BAC blood sample. The blood sample was re-tested by a private laboratory and the result was a .07% BAC. The criminal DUI charges were dismissed and client plead to a simple traffic ticket of speeding and unsafe change of lanes. The court did not suspend Client's license and she did not incur a criminal conviction.

  • Battery - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Feb 21, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with battery in 2011. The case had been in a warrant status for seven years. The case was put on calendar with a motion to dismiss for a violation of Client's right to a speedy trial despite the fact that he had allegedly failed to appear at his court date. Client's warrant was recalled and his case was dismissed.

  • DUI - Case Rejected

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Feb 28, 2018

    Outcome: Not Prosecuted - No License Suspension

    Description: Client was arrested for driving with a BAC of .07 percent. She was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol but she was not charged with driving with a BAC greater than .08 percent. This relatively unusual DUI scenario seems to have been brought about by a mutual personality clash with law enforcement more than any actual impairment. Ultimately, the DA declined to prosecute and the DMV did not suspend her license.

  • Possession of marijuana and paraphernalia

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Mar 21, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: In 2014, Client was charged with possession of marijuana and possession of a meth pipe. Client failed to appear at his first arraignment and the case had been in a warrant status for four years. Defense Counsel had the warrant recalled. Defense Counsel argued that possession of marijuana had subsequently been decriminalized and that Client's rights to a speedy trial had been violated with respect to the paraphernalia charge. The judge agreed and the case was dismissed.

  • Public Intoxication & Possession of Hydrocodone

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Mar 22, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with public intoxication and possession of Hydrocodone. The case had been in a warrant status for more than a year. Defense Counsel was able to recall the warrant convince the DA to offer her the most preferable form of diversion instead of the previous offer of supervised probation. Client paid a $350 class fee and completed a one day online class. The case was dismissed and the arrest was sealed.

  • Trespassing - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Apr 30, 2018

    Outcome: Case Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with three counts of trespassing in her own home. Client's home was red-tagged by the building inspector for fire hazards with leave only to be entered during daylight hours for the purpose of remediation. Client was alleged to have been found in her home on three separate occasions at night. We assisted Client with getting the red tag removed from her home by coordinating with the building inspector for a new inspection. We then utilized that regulatory compliance to garner three dismissals in the Superior Court in a collaborative effort with the judge and deputy district attorney who sympathized with the difficult position Client was in.

  • Cocaine Possession & Obstructing Police

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: May 02, 2018

    Outcome: Drug charge dismissed - 5 days of house arrest, $250 fine

    Description: Client was contacted by police after a store owner accused him of shoplifting. Client was alleged to have physically attempted to leave the scene, refused to comply with police orders, and used force to prevent his detention. Client was also alleged to have been in possession of cocaine when he was searched incident to arrest. Client needed to avoid a drug conviction for immigration purposes. The cocaine possession charge was dismissed as part of a negotiated disposition. Client pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor count of delaying the police. He received five days house arrest, one year of informal probation, and a $250 fine.

  • Violating a Protective Order - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: May 02, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with violating the status of a criminal protective order between himself and his children. That CPO was subject to modification in juvenile dependency court. The CPO was indeed modified to unsupervised visitation but this change was not reflect in the databases relied upon by the police when Client was arrested. Ultimately, the case was dismissed (on other grounds).

  • Domestic Violence - Charges Not Filed

    Practice Area: Education

    Date: May 07, 2018

    Outcome: No criminal filing / No Cal Poly punishment

    Description: Client was charged with injuring his boyfriend during a brief disagreement at Client's campus housing on Cal Poly. We obtained a statement from the complaining witness stating the he did not want prosecution and that he had been trying to slip past the front door which Client was lawfully closing to prevent CW from entering. We provided the statement along with information showing Client in a positive light to the DA in a mitigation packet. The DA rejected the criminal filing. Cal Poly did not take any administrative action at the disciplinary hearing.

  • Sexual Battery - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Sex crime

    Date: May 08, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with sexual battery. The Complaining Witness alleged that Client touched her inappropriately and tried to rape her during a brief interaction in a public parking lot around 11AM and she escaped by running away. We obtained nearby surveillance video of the incident that showed Client to be completely innocent. The video depicted an unremarkable conversation in front of many nearby bystanders that ended with Client calmly walking away. We obtained copies of multiple restraining orders that had been filed against the Complaining Witness in Monterey County for her erratic behavior. We obtained many disturbing posts from Complaining Witness's social media. The DA mistakenly tried to attribute a 25-page FBI rap sheet to Client which contained multiple cocaine trafficking convictions in Miami circa 1985. We informed the DA that the rap sheet was not Client because Client had zero criminal record. The case was set for trial with no time waiver and ultimately the DA was forced to dismiss for lack of evidence.

  • Heroin Possession - No Jail / No Fines

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: May 21, 2018

    Outcome: No Jail / No Fines / No Prop 36

    Description: Client was charged with possession of heroin. The reasons listed in the police report for the initial traffic stop were no third brake light, obstructed license plate and swerving. Client's vehicle was a model that did not have a factory equipped third brake light. The obstruction was from a stock trailer ball hitch. And there was an extremely long delay in obtaining the police video due to clerical oversight. These shortcomings were leveraged into a very favorable disposition in which client received one year of informal bench probation with zero jail, zero fines, no search and seizure terms, no class obligations and no chemical testing.

  • Battery - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: May 30, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with battery against a security guard. Client maintained her factual innocence and provided a video that demonstrated the unreasonable use of force by several members of the event staff. The case was dismissed.

  • Drunk in Public - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jun 06, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with public intoxication stemming from a 2013 arrest. Client needed his warrant recalled as soon as possible for employment purposes but could not travel back to California. The case was calendared, the warrant was recalled, and a motion to dismiss was filed. The DA was unable to locate the arresting officer who had since left the police department. The case was dismissed and Client was victorious.

  • Driving with Suspended License - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jun 26, 2018

    Outcome: Criminal Charges Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with knowingly driving while his California driver's license was suspended. We kept the case open for four months to give Client time to acquire a driver's license. We then leveraged the likely impossibility of the court locating two Mixteco interpreters within 45 days if the matter was set for trial without a speedy trial waiver. The criminal charges were dismissed. Client plead to a non-criminal ticket with a $300 fine. This outcome prevented an adverse situation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

  • Felony DUI and Vandalism - Reduced and Dismissed

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Jun 28, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissal

    Description: In 2007, client was convicted of felony DUI with injury and felony vandalism. The cases were put back on calendar in 2018 with a motion to reduce the felonies to misdemeanors pursuant to Penal Code section 17(b). Those motions were granted. The cases were then dismissed pursuant to a Penal Code section 1203.4 motion.

  • Juvenile DUI - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Juvenile law

    Date: Jul 18, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Minor Client was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and marijuana. The case against Minor Client was dismissed pursuant to completion of diversion without an admission of guilt. The court record and the arrest were ordered sealed.

  • Felony Resisting Arrest and Criminal Threats - Misdemeanor w/ No Jail

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Aug 06, 2018

    Outcome: No Jail / $250 fine

    Description: Client was arrested for felony resisting arrest and misdemeanor public intoxication. Client was alleged to have threatened to murder the family of a peace officer while intoxicated. The officer involved generously offered to support a reduction to a misdemeanor in light of Client's young age and clean record. Client gave a formal written apology to the peace officer and attended certain counseling sessions. The case resolved for a single misdemeanor charge of resisting arrest, 0 days county jail, 2 years of informal probation, and a $250 fine. The ultimate resolution was a result of collaboration between the police, the prosecution, and defense counsel. A just result was achieved that demonstrated respect for law enforcement while still focusing on Client's rehabilitation and future employability.

  • Diversion Violation - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Aug 21, 2018

    Outcome: Not Found in Violation

    Description: Client was alleged to have failed to enroll into PC 1000 drug diversion. Proof was shown that Client had indeed enrolled in a diversion program in a different county. The allegation was withdrawn and the hearing was vacated. Client will have his drug possession dismissed and sealed upon completion of diversion.

  • Third DUI, 0.33 blood alcohol - 90 days house arrest.

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Aug 30, 2018

    Outcome: 90 days house arrest, 3 years of informal probation

    Description: Client was charged with drunk driving as a third offense within the past 10 years. The alleged blood alcohol content was 0.33, which is more than 4 times the legal limit of 0.08. The case resolved for no time in jail, 90 days on house arrest, alcohol treatment classes and 3 years of informal probation.

  • Possession of a Switchblade - Dismissed Retroactively

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Aug 31, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissed Retroactively

    Description: Client suffered a conviction for possessing a switchblade knife in 2009. We petitioned the court for a retroactive dismissal and that petition was granted pursuant to Section 1203.4 of the Penal Code.

  • Domestic Battery - Case Rejected

    Practice Area: Domestic violence

    Date: Oct 01, 2018

    Outcome: Case Rejected - No Prosecution

    Description: Client was arrested for domestic battery in which no injuries resulted. We presented a mitigation packet to the District Attorney's Office reiterating that the spouse did not want prosecution and instead preferred to address the matter through couples therapy. Also included in the packet was proof of completion of an anger management course. The DA rejected the case against Client, no charges were filed, and Client's first court date was vacated.

  • Minor in Possession of Alcohol - Not Guilty

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Oct 02, 2018

    Outcome: Not Guilty

    Description: Client was alleged to have been confronted by California Polytechnic University Police at a graduation ceremony while in possession of a bottle of champagne. Business and Professions Code 25662(a) creates a complete defense to such a charge when a minor is transporting the alcohol at the reasonable request of a parent. Client's father testified that he had asked Client to retrieve the forgotten bottle of champagne from the car for him. Client was found not guilty and avoided the one-year ban on driving.

  • DUI - Case Dismissed and Arrest Sealed

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Oct 09, 2018

    Outcome: Case Dismissed. Arrest Sealed. Bail Exonerated.

    Description: Client was arrested for DUI in 1988 while an active duty military service member stationed in California. Client's breath results were below .10 BAC, the legal limit at the time, but a criminal case was filed nonetheless. Client never appeared at the first arraignment. Client became aware of the warrant 30 years after the arrest - after he had joined the police force and risen to the level of chief of police of a midwestern city. We were able to calendar the case, recall the warrant, get the case dismissed, seal the arrest, and have his bail exonerated.

  • Hit and Run - Dismissed

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Oct 15, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissal

    Description: Client was charged with hit and run in violation of Vehicle Code Section 20001. An agreement was reached in which the case would be dismissed if Client paid restitution and remained in good standing with a Department of Veterans Affairs treatment program in another county for six months. Client kept his end of the bargain and the case against him was dismissed.

  • 1x Felony Assault on a Peace Officer, 2x Felony Resisting Arrest

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Oct 19, 2018

    Outcome: Reduced to a Misdemeanor, No Jail, 40 hrs Community Service, Informal Probation

    Description: Client was facing a maximum of 11 years in prison for assault on a police officer by means likely to produce great bodily injury and resisting arrest. During the hearing it became evident from body camera videos that Client had acted in defense of someone she believed was being subjected to excessive force. Rather than litigate the reasonableness of Client's belief, a settlement was reached midway through the preliminary hearing. All three felony charges against Client were dismissed and she was given credit for time served of one day in jail with a requirement that she perform 40 hours of community service and pay a $500 fine.

  • Prior Possession of Heroin for Sales Enhancement - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Oct 30, 2018

    Outcome: Enhancement Dismissed

    Description: Client had a 2014 conviction for possessing heroin for sales with a three year prison enhancement for a prior sales convictions. We were retained to seek a modification. In 2018, California eliminated the enhancement enhancement for a prior sales conviction under HS 11370.2 Because Client's case had been in a warrant status for four years, his case was considered "not yet final on appeal" and the change to the law was applied retroactively to his conviction.

  • DUI - Dismissed at Jury Selection

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Nov 01, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol. The BAC was alleged to have been a .19 percent. After reviewing all available video and having it transcribed, it became apparent that the allegation against client was that he was revving his engine and doing "burnouts" while intoxicated. We presented evidence to the prosecution that an all-wheel-drive vehicle is incapable of doing burnouts. Case law in California supports the proposition that a DUI cannot occur unless the vehicle moves some distance, however short. Unlike most states, revving one's engine while intoxicated is not considered a DUI in California. The case was set for trial and dismissed on the eve of jury selection.

  • Terrorist Threats - Criminal Case Rejected

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Nov 13, 2018

    Outcome: No Criminal Charges Filed

    Description: Client was arrested and charged with making terrorist threats as a felony in violation of Penal Code Section 422. Client posted bail and was released from jail. A mitigation packet was brought to the District Attorney's Office with a statement from the alleged victim stating that he was not placed in a state of fear by the alleged threats, which was one of the required elements of the crime. Also in the packet were items highlighting Client's good character, achievements and lack of criminal records. The DA decided to reject the police report and not file charges. The first court date was vacated.

  • Illegal Possession of a Hedgehog - Dismissed

    Practice Area: Animal law

    Date: Nov 13, 2018

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with possession of a restricted animal in violation and unlawful possession of a wild animal in violation of FG 2118, both punishable by 180 days in the county jail. An agreement was reached in which client would perform 40 hours of community service and pay $500 into a fish and wildlife fund in exchange for the case being dismissed. Because client never admitted guilt, she was eligible to have the record sealed as a matter of right.

  • False Police Report, Hit and Run - 2x Dismissal, No jail, $250 fine, Reduced Charge

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Nov 27, 2018

    Outcome: Original Charges Dismissed; Reduced Charge; No jail

    Description: Client was alleged to have left a bar at 1 A.M. per surveillance video, crashed his car into a fence, left the scene of the accident, called the police to report his car stolen, and then traveled to the police station to report his car stolen. We were able to reach a civil compromise with the fence owner for $400 which allowed the hit and run to be dismissed. We negotiated the charge of filing a police report down to a charge of delaying the police which is not a crime of moral turpitude and can be expunged in 18 months. This was based largely on client's lack of criminal history and young age.

  • Auto theft, possession of heroin & hypodermics - Case Dismissed

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Dec 04, 2018

    Outcome: Case Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with auto theft, possession of heroin and illegal possession of hypodermic needles. The case had been in a warrant status for 27 years. Because Client had been present in court for the first arraignment date and then subsequently failed to appear, it was unclear if he could assert a violation of his right to a speedy trial. Rather than risk an adverse outcome, an agreement was reached with the prosecutor in which Client would pay $500 to the Red Cross fund for victims of the California wildfires and in exchange the case against him would be dismissed. Client has been sober for 25 years and has gone on to become a small business owner and a father - even hosting recovery classes in a prison near his home as a volunteer.

  • DMV admin hearing - Win - No Suspension

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Dec 10, 2018

    Outcome: Win - License not suspended

    Description: Client was alleged to have driven with a BAC of .090 percent based on the blood test performed by law enforcement. The blood was re-tested by a private laboratory with a .074 result. Because the DMV has in the past taken the position of averaging blood samples, we had the blood re-re-tested to give us a third result of .075. Instead of averaging two samples for a mean average of .082 percent, the DMV had to average three samples for a mean average of .079 percent. Client won and her license was not suspended.

  • DMV Hearing - Win - no suspension

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Dec 10, 2018

    Outcome: License Not Suspended

    Description: An expert witness was utilized for testimony to show that although Client had given a breath sample above a .08 percent, her blood alcohol level had risen after she had been pulled over. (Typically a person reaches highest BAC approximately one hour after their last drink.) Client was found not to have driven with a BAC above a .08 percent. The suspension of her driver's license was not imposed.

  • Warrant

    Practice Area: Immigration

    Date: Dec 15, 2015

    Outcome: No state or federal prosecution

    Description: Client was alleged to have entered the USA from Mexico with two pounds of liquid methamphetamine in factory-sealed tequila bottles. Client was arrested and posted bail. Client was not charged by California or Federal prosecutors, client's cellphones were returned, client kept his green card.

  • Registered Nurse - Public Intoxication

    Practice Area: Licensing

    Date: Dec 06, 2017

    Outcome: Case Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with being drunk in public at a concert in violation of Penal Code Section 647(f). Because any alcohol related conviction requires self-reporting to the California Board of Registered Nurses, only a pre-plea dismissal would avoid the reporting requirement and potential disciplinary action. At the first court date, an agreement was reached in which Client would attend 30 AA meetings, return with written proof, and the case would be dismissed. Client fulfilled her obligation, her case was dismissed, and the Board was precluded from taking adverse action.

  • Possession of Heroin and Paraphernalia

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Dec 05, 2017

    Outcome: Case Dismissed and Arrest Sealed

    Description: Client was charged with possessing heroin, a smoking device, and hypodermic needles arising from a traffic stop. Client had no previous criminal record. At the first arraignment, the DA was convinced to offer Client the highly desirable Misdemeanor Diversion Program that is almost never offered once a criminal case is filed. Client paid $350 and attended a six-hour class. The case was dismissed and the arrest was sealed.

  • Felony Domestic Violence

    Practice Area: Domestic violence

    Date: Dec 01, 2017

    Outcome: Criminal Case Rejected Before First Court Date

    Description: Client was charged with feloniously inflicting an injury on her husband. Husband gave a statement to a private investigator clarifying his earlier statement to police and stating that he had in fact injured himself by falling while dressing. The case was rejected by the District Attorney for insufficient evidence.

  • Passing Counterfeit US Currency

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Nov 28, 2017

    Outcome: Case Dismissed

    Description: A Client was charged with passing counterfeit US currency. The case was set for trial without a time waiver. A key witness became unavailable on the eve of trial. The case against my Client was dismissed without leave to re-file.

  • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Nov 09, 2017

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. The DA had overlooked a stipulation in an older case that no charges would be brought arising from a September 2016 arrest. The case was dismissed.

  • Possession of Norco

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Nov 09, 2017

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with the unauthorized possession of hydrocodone. The case was mistakenly filed after the arresting agency had been informed by the DA that the case was rejected absent additional investigation. This error was discovered during negotiations on a companion case that was also dismissed.

  • Resist Police / Possession of Hallucinogenic Mushrooms

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Nov 07, 2017

    Outcome: Diversion Granted

    Description: Client was charged with resisting the police and illegally possessing psilocybin (shrooms). The DA's original offer was 15 days jail and 18 months of probation. Ultimately the charge of resisting the police was dismissed and client was given PC 1000 diversion.

  • DUI

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Oct 25, 2017

    Outcome: Criminal charges dismissed - $100 fine instead

    Description: Client was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol. The evidentiary breath test was .086% and .085%. Criminal charges were dismissed due to a defect in the police report combined with a theory of rising blood alcohol. The case was reduced to an infraction. Client paid a $100 fine under VC 23136 and her DUI charges were dismissed without having to go to trial.

  • Drug Possession and Petty Theft

    Practice Area: Guardianship

    Date: Dec 12, 2017

    Outcome: Warrant Cleared

    Description: Client was unable to finalize a guardianship because his LiveScan returned a ten-year-old warrant for shoplifting in SLO County. After consulting with the court and the DA's office, it was determined that there was no warrant and that a case was never filed. Client was given a "No Record Letter" from the Superior Court stating that he never had a criminal matter in SLO County.

  • Drug Paraphernalia

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Sep 20, 2017

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was not offered Misdemeanor Diversion Program due to a change of address. After three months of negotiations, the DA offered Client a highly desirable diversion program. Ultimately, Client paid $350 for a one day class and the case was dismissed after her successful attendance.

  • Drunk in Public

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Sep 18, 2017

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with being drunk in public at a tavern. The case was dismissed for lack of evidence after several months of negotiation.

  • Domestic Violence

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Sep 18, 2017

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with spousal battery. There were also allegations of subsequent violations of a no-contact protective order. The case was dismissed after a suitable elder care placement was found.

  • Certificate of Rehabilitation

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Sep 14, 2017

    Outcome: Granted

    Description: Client was granted a certificate of rehabilitation for a 2004 felony conviction - possession of a controlled substance for sales. The certificate was then transmitted to the Governor's office as an application for a pardon.

  • Domestic Violence - Case Rejected

    Practice Area: Civil rights

    Date: Jul 24, 2017

    Outcome: Case Dismissed

    Description: Criminal case was dismissed upon a motion asserting a violation of Client's right to a speedy trial.

  • Hate Crime Battery

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Aug 24, 2017

    Outcome: Rejected Before First Court Date

    Description: Client was arrested after police were called to a loud verbal argument at his home. Client was charged with domestic battery and maliciously preventing someone for telephoning for help. We provided the DA with a signed declaration from the alleged victim clarifying some mistakes in the police report. The DA rejected the case and Client never had to go to court.

  • Obstructing Police

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jul 10, 2017

    Outcome: Case Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with obstructing the police. An agreement was reached with the prosecutor in which Client would simply continue to attend classes she had already been attending and avoid negative contact with law enforcement for 60 days.

  • Felony Forgery

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jun 29, 2017

    Outcome: Expunged

    Description: Client suffered a felony conviction for Forgery in 2007. The case was reduced to a misdemeanor and then dismissed pursuant to Penal Code Section 1203.4.

  • Battery

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jun 22, 2017

    Outcome: Charge Reduced

    Description: Client was allegedly captured on video repeatedly striking another woman in the halls of the Superior Court with multiple witnesses present. An agreement was reached in which the charge was reduced from Battery to Disturbing The Peace. Client received one year of informal probation with zero jail time and suspended fines.

  • Drug possession

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: May 31, 2017

    Outcome: Case dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with possession of illegal drugs. The DA was presented with new information.

  • Mail theft

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: May 23, 2017

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with stealing a package delivered by the USPS. We approached the DA and highlighted the flaws in the case - a poor description from a lone eye witness, and our mutual inability to locate the former co-defendant and subpoena him to testify. The prosecutor believed that she could not meet her burden of proof to proceed to trial and the case was dismissed.

  • Drug possession

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: May 11, 2017

    Outcome: Dismissed

    Description: Client was arrested for possession of illegal drugs. The arrest also triggered two violations of probation. An agreement was reached in which client attended 50 NA meetings and the case was dismissed. The two probation violations were also dismissed.

  • Battery

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: May 03, 2017

    Outcome: Case dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with battery stemming from an altercation over who had the right to enter an Uber that had arrived outside the night club. We sent a private investigator to speak with witnesses. We then presented their statements to the DA. The criminal case was dismissed and Client received a $100 non-criminal ticket for disturbing the peace by loud noise.

  • Vandalism

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Apr 25, 2017

    Outcome: Case dismissed

    Description: Client attended the counseling of his choice for two months and his case was reduced to a non-criminal $100 ticket. This spared him probation and a driver's license suspension.

  • Commercial Burglary - Felony

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Mar 07, 2017

    Outcome: Burglary charge dismissed

    Description: Client faced total exposure of seven years in state prison. Preliminary hearing was set without a time waiver. We presented major problems in the way the case was charged and with the police investigation to the DA. The DA likely could not be ready in time. The burglary charge was dismissed and the case was settled for 30 days county jail as a probation violation. Defendant was released from custody the next day when the preliminary hearing had been scheduled.

  • Spousal battery

    Practice Area: Domestic violence

    Date: Mar 06, 2017

    Outcome: DA declined to prosecute

    Description: Wife was arrested for striking her husband. We sat down with the young lady, put her version of the physical exchange into a memorandum. We dug up an eleven-year-old domestic violence police report against the husband from a remote county. We outlined the husbands history of untruthfulness by attached documents he had forged over the years (Including his DD214 from the army that he had altered in order to join a police force from which he was later fired.) We put all of this into a mitigation packet and convinced the DA to reject the filing. The young lady's criminal matter was solved for her before it even got started.

  • Conversion of property

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Feb 14, 2017

    Outcome: Case dismissed

    Description: Statements supporting my client's non-involvement made by another individual were presented to the District Attorney. The case against my client was dismissed shortly after arraignment.

  • British Military

    Practice Area: Military law

    Date: Feb 13, 2017

    Outcome: Diversion offered

    Description: A UK Soldier in California on NATO orders was arrested for public intoxication. He was not offered diversion and was scheduled to be charged with a misdemeanor. We were able to convince the DA to dismiss the case after he completed an online alcohol class. The soldier received no fallout from his chain of command.

  • Violating Protective Order

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Feb 06, 2017

    Outcome: Case dismissed

    Description: Client was alleged to have made contact with his ex-wife in defiance of a no-contact order. We made the DA aware of exigent circumstances in the form of direly needed medical equipment for Client's son that the alleged victim possessed. The new case was dismissed and probation was re-instated without any jail time.

  • 1/2 Pound of methamphetamine

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jan 16, 2017

    Outcome: Conviction Overturned

    Description: Client and co-defendant were alleged to have been transporting a half-pound of methamphetamine for sales. Initially charged as an HS 11378 Felony, the case was plea bargained to Felony Possession of Concentrated Cannabis (a total legal fiction). The case was then calendared for a sentence modification the day after the November elections. Client was able to remove his house arrest anklet that day. The Prop 57 motion was heard on January 16, 2017. The case against my client had to be dismissed and expunged based on the decriminalization of 4 grams or less of hash / 28.5 grams or less of marijuana - neither of which was satisfied by a half-pound of methamphetamine. Client walked.

  • Felony Expungment

    Practice Area: Expungement

    Date: Jan 12, 2017

    Outcome: Expungement granted

    Description: Client was convicted of embezzling $50,000 in 1996. Felony was reduced to a misdemeanor and expunged from her record.

  • Battery against intruder in own home

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Jan 09, 2017

    Outcome: Case Dismissed

    Description: Client was charged with battery against an uninvited guest discovered in a connected guest house. After several months of impasse, The Law Office of Peter Depew took over the case. The case was dismissed after the DA was presented with an interview our private investigator conducted with the alleged victim.

  • Possession of prescription pills

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Dec 22, 2016

    Outcome: Case Dismissed

    Description: Client was alleged to have been found in possession of several types of pills without a valid prescription during a traffic stop. Case was dismissed after the DA was presented with a statement from a co-passenger taken by our private investigator.

  • Possession of meth - dismissed for 16 NAs

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Dec 21, 2016

    Outcome: Dismissal

    Description: Client was charged with possession of methamphetamine. The case was dismissed when client showed proof of completion of 16 Narcotics Anonymous meetings.

  • Grand theft - diamond ring

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Oct 26, 2016

    Outcome: Probation granted - no jail

    Description: Client was alleged to have taken a diamond ring from the bathroom of a home while she was there as an invited guest. The case settled for no jail and 18 months of informal probation.

  • Driving with license suspended

    Practice Area: DUI and DWI

    Date: Aug 08, 2016

    Outcome: Case Dismissed (speedy trial)

    Description: Client was alleged to have been driving without a license when he entered a DUI checkpoint. The alleged offense was three years old. A Serna motion was brought to dismiss the case due to dilatory prosecution. The motion was granted and the case was dismissed.

  • LAX customs - 2 lbs. of meth

    Practice Area: Criminal defense

    Date: Oct 24, 2017

    Outcome: Released From Custody

    Description: Client was serving a 45 day jail sentence when I was contacted. I was able to secure Client's release from custody the same day by substituting time in a Residential Treatment Program for jail time. Client was not eligible for diversion, but his sincere desire to achieve sobriety prevailed upon the judge.