The best time to hire a lawyer is before the first court date. Why? Because often a private attorney can work with the District Attorney’s Office to avoid the filing of formal charges. If dismissal or diversion cannot be arranged, The Law Office of Peter Depew will fight the case at every juncture. An aggressive private attorney who prioritizes client input can make a world of difference.

Se habla español.

Peter Depew


Peter Depew is a graduate of Pepperdine University School of Law, a veteran of the United States Army, and a former clerk to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Rwanda. He is a member of Surfrider Foundation’s Legal Issues Team and enjoys all things involving the Pacific Ocean.


Peter Depew aprendió a hablar español trabajando en el rancho familiar en el norte de Los Ángeles. Él es un veterano del Ejército de Estados Unidos, un graduado de la Escuela de Derecho Pepperdine, ex secretario del Tribunal Supremo de Ruanda y distinguido juez del boxeo. Con su trayectoria, no olvida sus raíces. Este abogado quiere luchar por el trabajador y por la raza.

The Law Office of Peter Depew

Located directly across from the San Luis Obispo Superior Courthouse, The Law Office of Peter Depew provides full-service criminal defense to adults and juveniles in SLO County.

La Oficina Legal de Peter Depew

La Oficina Legal de Peter Depew se encuentra cerca del Tribunal Superior de San Luis Obispo. Brindamos servicios de defensa criminal a adultos y menores en el condado de San Luis Obispo.

“You begin saving the world by saving one person at a time;

all else is grandiose romanticism or politics.” - Charles Bukowski

"Prefiero morir de pie que vivir de rodillas."
- Emiliano Zapata Salazar

“Do all the good you can, By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can, In all the places you can,
At all the times you can, To all the people you can,
As long as you ever can.” - John Wesley's Rule


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